Signs Of A Faulty Fuel Pump Control Module


The fuel pump module is an essential part of your car’s engine. It’s responsible for ensuring that the correct amount of fuel is delivered to the engine at all times. If it begins to malfunction, you may experience poor performance or worse yet, a breakdown.

It’s important to keep an eye out for symptoms in order to quickly identify potential problems with your vehicle’s fuel system before they become serious issues down the line. Make sure you always take your car to an experienced mechanic or auto shop if you suspect any sort of malfunction in order to ensure proper maintenance and safety on the road!

If you find that the fuel pump module is not running properly, you must take steps to fix it. But how would you know that the pump is not in proper working condition? There are signs you should look for. Here are all the details about the signs that a faulty fuel pump control shows. Keep reading to more.

Symptoms Of Faulty Fuel Pump Control Module

When a part of the car goes bad, you may not find out about it immediately if you are unaware of the sign of a particular fault in a car. This is why you need to know the signs indicating that the fuel pump control module is failing and that you must fix it. Here are some of the symptoms of that.

Difficulty Starting Your Vehicle

A common symptom of a faulty fuel pump module is difficulty starting your vehicle. If it takes several attempts before you can get your car going, it could be because the fuel pump isn’t delivering enough gas to the engine, resulting in weak ignition and prolonged cranking times. In some cases, this could also indicate other problems, such as dirty spark plugs or a faulty throttle body assembly, so be sure to have it checked out by an experienced mechanic as soon as possible if this happens.

A Stalling Engine

If the fuel pump module is faulty, the engine may start stalling. You may be able to start the engine back up after a while if it is only partially defective, but if it has completely gone bad, the engine may not start at all. Get the stalling engine checked immediately to find the real issue.

Silent Fuel Pump

The fuel pump makes a low humming noise when you start the engine. If it is not working correctly, there is no power, so there will be no noise when you start the vehicle. The absolute silence from the fuel pump shows there is no relay, and you need to check it soon.


You must constantly check the different parts to ensure your car remains in top condition. Take your car for a general checkup after every few months. If you see any signs of a faulty part in the vehicle, don’t delay getting it fixed without any reason. Take good care of your car; the investment will pay off for years.


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